Validating Content for Compliance with XHTML Standards

Ektron CMS400.NET content can be validated against the XHTML 1.1 standard. To do so, you must define the Web sites that validate schema files and schema namespaces.

Here are two sites that can validate content using the WC3 Markup Validation Services.

schema files -

schema namespaces -

Defining the XHTML Validation Schemas

To validate content against XHTML standards, follow these steps.

1. Using Visual Studio, open site root/Workarea/edit.aspx.vb.

2. Find the section indicated below.

3. Using Intellisense, enter SchemaFiles and SchemaNamespaces properties to define the validating Web sites. They accept an array of strings and go in pairs. Here are examples.


ContentDesigner1.SchemaFiles = new string[] {""};

ContentDesigner1.SchemaNamespaces = new string[] { "" };


With m_ ContentDesigner1

.SchemaFiles = New String() {""}

.SchemaNamespaces = New String() {"”}

End With

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